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In-school program for the happy life of international students at the University of Ulsan
작성자 Shin Junyeong Trainee Reporter 작성일 2024-05-24 조회수 90

Are you making good use of the various programs supported by the University of Ulsan? the University of Ulsan has many programs for international students as there are many international students of various nationalities. In this article, we will look at programs for international students among various programs at the University of Ulsan.

 First, 'International Exchange Club HOW.U' is an international exchange club, meaning ‘Hang Out With Us’,which is under the University of Ulsan International Exchange Office. HOW.U is composed of Korean students from the University of Ulsan, and plans cultural exchange programs for Korean students and international students on campus to participate together, and helps foreign students adjust to their study abroad life. In addition, it is a program that contributes to the globalization of the campus by planning various programs to strengthen the global capabilities of Korean students.


The second program to be introduced is the 'UOU Language Exchange Program'. This program conducts mutual language exchange activities by matching foreign students who want to learn Korean and Korean students at our school who want to learn foreign languages by level. This program aims to improve the language proficiency of participating students and to enhance their understanding of other cultures through language exchange and cultural exchange.


Third, the 'Buddy Program' is a program that helps international students in school adjust to college and provides Korean students with opportunities for cultural exchange and language exchange with international students. The buddy program consists of two Korean students and two foreign students per group, and each team will organize and operate autonomous programs for a period of time. Please note that students with foregin language proficiency will have priority in participating in the program

The fourth 'learning support program' to be introduced is a program that conducts learning study activities by 1:1 matching foreign students with poor academic performance and excellent academic Korean students and international students with low voluntary participation in their studies. It is being implemented to strengthen the learning capabilities of international students with academic warnings by sharing their major study methods and academic know-how of excellent students and to enhance their learning motivation.


The University of Ulsan not only operates on-campus programs but also centers that can be helpful to international students.

The "Foreign Student Support Counseling Center" operates a counseling center for foreign students to relieve inconvenience in studying abroad by identifying foreign students' academic and life management, psychological services to overcome COVID-19 depression, and various grievances from overseas life. The hours of use are from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays, and from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at lunchtime, and if you apply by phone or e-mail, all overseas students UOU can use the service.


The 'Korean Language Education Center' is located in the University of Ulsan International Hall (No. 43) and is equipped with various amenities including a lecture room. The Korean Language Education Center is a systematic Korean language intensive course for foreigners aimed at training and studying Korean, and aims to improve Korean language communication skills in real life as well as improvement of Korean communication skills for students. 'Korean Language Education Center' is operated four times a year and 10 weeks.


As such, the University of Ulsan provides abundant experiences and opportunities to international students through various in-school programs. I think these programs will have a positive effect not only on the academic achievement of international students but also on their personal growth and happiness. I hope that through this article, international students can know and use more of the in-school programs so that they can have a more enjoyable school life.