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Is Questionable Packaging and Trickery Justifiable for Profit?
작성자 K********* 작성일 2015-03-29 조회수 802

문수저널 71호_page-0001.jpg

 Buldak-bokkeummyeon and Copy-cat Ramen.


 You might have heard the sarcastic phrase, ‘I bought nitrogen but cookie was the gift’, from consumers expressing their unhappiness about the prices they pay and the value they fail to get from purchased products.In other words, the quantity of nitrogen in the package is more than the actual amount of cookie.SBS decided to perform an experiment that determined the real conditions of this exaggerated packaging techniques used by companies.The result was even more serious than expected. Cookies bought for the experiment were all wrapped individually and when the contents were opened and listed, the volume decreased tremendously. All seven cookies were able to fit into one box.       Another study was conducted by Consumer Problem Laboratory. Consumer Research announced the even more shocking result that the empty space in packaging in the Market O Real Brownie from Orion made up 83.2% of the box. This misleading packaging techniques used by companies is clearly a severe problem.


  Along with these exaggerating marketing techniques and packaging companies use, consumers’ complaints are on the rise as cookie prices continue to increase. Suppliers however have hit back, saying that nitrogen protects cookies from external shock and combustion and they also stated that the, “morale to develop will decrease if we listen to complaints about exaggerated packaging”.They further mentioned that it was essential to continue with the use of trays because of consumer complaints related to broken cookies. However according to the SBS interview, one business said; “Consumers tend to buy snacks with satisfaction if the package is big. It is a gimmick of exaggerated packaging.”


Recently, the purchase of imported cookies has also increased and consumers are gradually starting to prefer these imported cookies since they are cheaper and larger in quantity when compared to domestic cookies. Most imported cookies are also packaged without the use of a tray or a buffer and since these snacks full-fill the customers' basic needs they have won over the consumers’ trust. According to Lotte Mart, domestic snacks have been experiencing steady declines in sales from 2012 up until now, while imported cookies sales are on the rise.In 2012 it rose to 9.9%, 2013 to 12.3% and in April 2014 to 12.6%. Because of this latest market trend, many big supermarkets are extending the selection of imported cookies in their stores.

  To regulate packaging standards, the Environmental Department of Korea has reported a revised plan with regards to package materials and methods. This plan was implemented on July 1st 2012, and indicated that the empty space or "air" may not exceed 35% of the total package. If manufacturers were found guilty of breaching these new regulations, fines of roughly 300,0000won would be imposed on any person importing or selling these items. However, this has not fixed packaging and is still continuing even though this legislation has come into practice. Consumers are angry that companies’ fail to take these complaints to heart and with this attitude companies might find it hard to win back and retain the consumers' trust in the long run.

  Companies should shift their focus from seeking only profit to striving for the trust of consumers. The government also has to reinforce and monitor these restrictions on companies more than they are doing at present. In the relationship between enterprises and consumers, trust is the same as it is in life.Loss of trust means a loss of life. It is very difficult to gain someone's trust once you have lost it, so companies must ask themselves if they truly and honestly have their consumers' best interests at heart.