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A Young Farmer’s Attraction to Stevia
작성자 K********* 작성일 2015-03-29 조회수 738

Lately, many university students have taken a keen interest in farming and are attempting to grow their own produce. It is young people like these students interested in agriculture, who are revitalizing depressed rural areas in Korea. Kim Se-hyung, a student in the school of management at the University of Ulsan is one of these young people following his dream with his new ideas and high technical skills in agriculture. I interviewed Kim to learn of his ideas about farming.

Q What made you get into farming?

 “After leaving the army, while devising a business plan, my mom told me about this plant from South America called Stevia. So I got to thinking about the possibilities of Stevia and thought it had real business potential.”

Q So what particular aspect of agriculture are you dealing with?

              “I plant this special crop called Stevia. And I’m preparing to establish a fertilizer business using Stevia as one of the fertilizer’s main ingredients.”

Q In comparison with other fertilizers, what is the advantage of using Stevia, and what kind of business possibilities does it have?

              “First and foremost, unlike chemical fertilizer, Stevia is eco-friendly. When you use chemical fertilizer consistently, it contaminates soil, nutrients are lost and this causes problems and damage to future crops. However, Stevia used as a fertilizer can revive polluted soil. Stevia used in farming has lower costs than traditional farming and the crop yield is higher. In other words, using Stevia fertilizer can improve polluted soil and produce greater yields at a lower unit price, it’s like ‘killing two birds with one stone’.”

Q What did you do before starting this Stevia business? And how did you feel about doing those things?

              “Because I started the business right after leaving the army my main focus was on the fertilizer. But, I also sold a lot of products with my friends. I sold roasted sweet potatoes, fish-shaped cookies, fruit, and coffee and heater packs at Ganjeolgot, On top of that, I also sold flowers on school graduation days or at matriculation day ceremonies. However, during all this time I was fostering my dream, waiting to start my business.”

Q Were there many difficulties during the preparation of your business? What were the responses and actions of the people around you?

             “When I started the business, people around me tried to stop me from pursuing my goal. Even just 3 years ago, I had to run away from home because my parents and I had drifted apart from each other. It was not difficult to establish my business because I was fully committed and knew I really wanted to develop this idea. Yet, becoming estranged from my parents was one of the most difficult situations I had ever faced. I decided that my ultimate goal was to become the best son possible to my parents as soon as I achieved some sort of stability in my business venture.”

Q Tell us about a particular episode that happened during the early days of your business?  

              “Well, when I had developed the business a little, I rented a 500 acre field and I planted Stevia seedlings using my own personal expenses. After about 4 days, I realized Stevia can’t survive without rain. Before, I always cultivated Stevia in a greenhouse; I didn’t need to worry about the water sprayed on crop. I hadn’t planned properly for this situation and I ended up wasting about five million won of my own money. At that point I wanted to give up everything but I didn’t. Because of that horrible event I was devastated, and it’s only now that I can laugh about it.”

Q What do you think is the greatest attraction of farming?

              “I think the main attraction of farming is seeing the results of your labor after all the time, work and money you have invested in it.”

Q What is your future goal?  

             “Our domestic agricultural industry has lost a lot of its natural strength due to the Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Therefore, my goal is developing eco-friendly fertilizer and advertising it all over the country. Ultimately, my goal is to get the farming industry to change fertilizers in order to clean up the soil that has been polluted by chemical fertilizers for years. If this can be achieved, farmers will see a pay off on their farms through increased yields and profits.”

Q What do you want to say to young people who want to go into farming, but don’t because they are afraid or unfamiliar with farming?


              “I want to tell people who want to take the challenge but have fears to stop procrastinating.   Like any business idea there are those who succeed and those who fail. But worrying will only prevent you from pursing your dream. Take the challenge, you are young and you can gain valuable experience and a challenging spirit. I want people to put their ideas into action without reservation.”